How to Use the NJAES Calendar Manager

Go to to log on.

Once you've logged on, select "Add Events" to add a new event to the calendar.

There are eight required fields for a new event: Event Name, Date, Location, Description, Contact Person, Category, Unit, and Primary Audience. The first five are self-explanatory.

"Category" is usually the department or program responsible for the event, but if you have an event that has a wider audience, you can check other boxes as well.

You don't have to change the default setting for "Primary Audience" unless you are entering an event that is sponsored by multiple county offices. If that is the case, select "The primary audience is the entire state." When you do that, will automatically get an email that you have requested that the event be put on the statewide calendar. Once I have done that, I'll send you a confirmation email.

When you've filled out the form and clicked on the "Add Event" button, you will be presented with the option to "Add Another Event With the Same Information". This is handy if you are adding multiple events with the same basic information, but one or two differences (like the date). If you click on this link, you will get a form with all the same information in it that you just entered, and you can just edit the fields that are different and hit "Add Event" again.

Adding Multi-Day Events

If you are entering a multi-day event, notice that next to the date fields it says "Day [1] of [1]". Change the second number to the length of the event, and after you hit the "Add Event" button, you will be presented with the option to "Enter info for day [x]". If you click on that link, it acts much like the "Add Another Event With the Same Information" except that the date is automatically incremented by one day, and [x] in the "Day [x] of [y]" fields will be automatically incremented by one day. This allows you to customize the info for each day of the event. (For instance, many multi-day county fairs have different hours on different days.)

Editing and Deleting Events

If you select "View/Edit" events, you will get a multi-page list of all upcoming events in the database. Any events entered by someone from your group (i.e., your county) will have "Edit/Remove" links in the left-hand column. All other events will be blank in that column. You can sort and filter this page in a variety of different ways, so for instance, you can have it only show events that you've entered.

If you have any questions, contact Phil Wisneski at or 848-932-4202.